【第五届REARD城市更新奖银奖作品赏析】世博黄浦体育园 | 南京黑耀、上海禾唐--联合设计黑耀的实践着眼于当代社会语境下对城市和建筑的再研究,关注各个相关领域,跨越不同尺度。我们认为设计是社会人文的关爱,是城市发展的编码再生,是场所与生活的共鸣共生。由此展开的研究和讨论,激发每一个项目独特创新的理念,使得我们的设计充分展现项目自身独有的场所性。 THE 5th REARD URBAN RENEWAL DESIGN AWARD第五届REARD城市更新设计奖2023公共设施改造·建筑规划银奖项目赏析 www.heyaodesign.com KEYNOTE 基调 今天的上海,拥有2400万人口,城市更新,已然成为了解决上海这样一线城市对待处于发展停滞区域价值利用的有效手段。解决这类区域的现状与市民高质量生活场所诉求不匹配的矛盾,重新赋予活力,有效利用土地资源,节约建造成本。 Today's Shanghai, has a population of 24 million, Urban Renewal, has become an effective means of solving the value utilization of first-tier cities in the areas of development stagnation. Solve the contradiction between the status quo of such areas and the citizens' high-quality living places, re-energize, effectively use land resources and save construction costs. ▲鸟瞰图 Aerial View ▲一号楼和三号楼沿滨江绿化 Greening Along The Riverside 黄浦江作为上海的母亲河流,沿线的城市更新更受关注,借此发展契机,于外马路1353号处,建设以运动为主题的“世博黄浦体育园”-成为沿江文化体育景观轴上重要的纽带。 As the most important river in Shanghai, the Huangpu River is more concerned about urban renewal along the route. Taking this opportunity to development, the “Expo Huangpu Sports Park” - become an important link on the axis of the cultural and sports landscape along the river. ▲一号楼局部 Architectural Parts ▲二号楼建筑 Architectural Parts 本项目用地面积29841平米,总建筑面积为7030平米,建成后是集室外体育场、室内体育馆、商业配套、会议中心、办公、停车及景观等功能为一体的综合服务场所。 The project covers an area of 29,841 square meters and has a total construction area of 7,030 square meters. After completion, it is a comprehensive service place integrating outdoor stadiums, indoor gymnasiums, commercial facilities, conference centers, offices, parking and landscapes. ▲建筑局部 Architectural Parts ▲建筑局部 Architectural Parts RECONSTRUCTION 构建 本案地处南浦大桥以南,黄浦江以西,西邻内环高架,沿江往北可达轮渡码头、黄浦工人体育馆、上海“老码头”,往南可达上海当代艺术馆。地理位置优渥,承载着文化体育类城市更新与缝合黄浦滨江西岸沿线城市肌理的重要任务。 The case is located in the south of the Nanpu Bridge, west of the Huangpu River, west of the inner ring elevated, north of the river to the ferry terminal, Huangpu Workers Stadium, Shanghai "old pier", south to the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. The location is excellent, carrying the cultural and sports Urban Renewal and the important task of stitching the urban texture along the Huangpu River. ▲三号楼沿滨江绿化 Greening Along The Riverside ▲会议中心 Conference Center ▲总平面图 Master Plan 场地内原有功能为物流仓储、停车以及镭射互动游戏,本次设计需要对原本被城市遗忘的区域进行更新,整合场地资源、汇聚人流、唤醒黄浦江沿线重要节点的魅力与生机。 The original functions in the venue are logistics warehousing, parking and laser interactive games. This design needs to renew the areas that were originally forgotten by the city, integrate site resources, gather people flow, and awaken the charm and vitality of important nodes along the Huangpu River. ▲停车场 Parking Area ▲餐厅局部 Restaurant Section 世博黄浦体育园本着谨慎的城市更新原则“尽量维持建筑原有主体建筑;强调原有空间尺度和新功能的有序融合,创造区域公共空间新节点”,是一次对特殊地段既有场地及建筑激活的积极尝试。 The Huangpu Sports Park of the Expo is based on the principle of cautious urban renewal, “try to maintain the original main building of the building; emphasize the orderly integration of the original spatial scale and new functions, and create a new node for the regional public space”, which is the existing site and construction of the special site. A positive attempt to activate. ▲室内篮球场 Indoor Basketball Court ▲网球场 Tennis Court 本次的改造和加建,根据体育场地需要拆除了部分体量较小的建筑,并结合具体功能要求,调整场地规划。 In this renovation and addition, some small-sized buildings were demolished according to the sports grounds, and the site planning was adjusted in accordance with specific functional requirements. ▲足球场鸟瞰 Football Field ▲足球场 Football Field 1#综合馆总面积6300平方米,包括标准篮球场,羽毛球场、网球场、乒乓球场、台球馆、健身房、会议中心及相关配套服务。 The total area of the 1# complex is 6,300 square meters, including standard basketball courts, badminton courts, tennis courts, table tennis courts, billiards halls, gymnastics yoga halls, conference centers and related ancillary services. ▲分析图 Analysis Graph ▲现场照片(改造前)Site Photos Before Reconstruction |